Say goodbye to constant barking, jumping, and pulling, and hello to a well-behaved, happy dog. Our proven, easy-to-follow training techniques will transform your dog into the perfect companion.
Are you ready to enjoy a more peaceful home and walk with confidence? Enter your best contact information below, and we’ll get in touch to get started on your dog's training journey today!
Are you ready to enjoy a more peaceful home and walk with confidence?
Enter your best contact information below, and we’ll get in touch to get started on your dog's training journey today!
Great dogs don't just happen. When you sign up for this 6 session masterclass you can be certain that you'll gain the tools, knowledge, and experience to turn your dog into a devoted, disciplined and dedicated companion.
There's a saying, "If better is possible, is good, good enough?" Dog is man's best friend and you wouldn't want your best friend to go through life not having the best possible experience... would you?
Whether you just got a new dog, or you've had your dog for years and you are finally ready to enhance your relationship, build confidence, and solve unwanted behaviors this is for you! With our time tested methods, you're sure to get all the knowledge, techniques, and training necessary to make sure you are successful with your best friend!
When you build a house, the first thing that happens is the breaking of the ground to begin laying the foundation.
Training your dog is no different! First we break ground and do a thorough evaluation of where you and your dog are at in the training journey! Then we start laying the foundation with the "how to" of training, working on behavioral issues, obedience, and most importantly trust between you and your dog!
D will help you get the most out of your dog no matter the age!
It's easy to go and search "dog training" on YouTube and find all kinds of videos giving different advice. Some people will also try to sell you on a "one-size-fits-all" strategy.
Here at Deez Dawgz we do things differently! We take the time to work directly with you and your specific needs. Because when it comes to giving your dog the best possible care, there is not a "one-size-fits-all" solution.
Each breed needs individual strategies and tactics tailored to their specific style of learning. D, (Darryl,) has spent over 6 years dedicated to developing strategies to work with your specific breed! Don't waste your precious time and hard earned money on a system that will only drive you mad!
Book a call with D today and see how Deez Dawgz can help you get the best results with your dog today!